Alexovics / Udvarhelyi / Hill Families †
In 1956, the Alexovics family fled Hungary to Switzerland, and after waiting 5 years for a US immigration visa, emigrated to the US. Károly Alexovics and his family settled in Los Angeles in 1961, where he worked in a sign shop as an engraver. He was active in the Hollywood Hungarian Presbyterian Church as long as he lived, serving as deacon in the church for an extended period of time. Reneé Alexovics worked in a retirement home and was also an active member of the Church.
Mrs. Mary Molnar (Udvarhelyi Jozsefné), stayed in NJ for a few months where the family was sponsored by the Central Baptist church of Palmyra, NJ. By Christmas of 1957, they moved to Los Angeles to be closer to a Hungarian Baptist church. She worked for a fashion design firm as a sample maker for various fashion shows. She was active in the Los Angeles, later renamed the Alhambra Hungarian Baptist church. Due to transportation challenges, she also attended the Hollywood Hungarian Presbyterian Church, nearby her home. She lived to be 100 years old.